Trusted by leading brands
Our verification software handles it all.
The app will streamline all mobile age verification with a tap of the phone. Leave your physical driver's license behind!
Mobile Driver's License are reviewed by the states issuing them ensuring 100% legitimacy to all mDLs.
Digitizes your wallet
Avoids Physical IDs as it becomes fully incorporated into your mobile device.
Ease of Use
Quick and simple tap between phones will exchange the information only when the user authenticates it.
Our app ensures accurate age verification for 18 and 21-year-old adults.

Why should my business use Munio?

We want to be as open and honest as possible!

None of the sensitive information we share between the businesses and patron will be kept in records. All information being shared is encrypted to ensure maximum security.
Trustworthy exchange between devices
Face ID is required to approve access
Straight connection from your mobile wallet

We value making the identification process easy.

Simplicity is one Munio's main values. We ensure that its usability is an easy-to-learn process for businesses.
Patrons only need their mDLs pulled up
The app takes care of all interactions between devices
A simple tap between devices

Munio will help make the identification process quicker!

With how simple the process is to tap phones, we are creating an opportunity for businesses to avoid black lights and bending real physical IDs to check their legitimacy.
One tap between devices is all it takes
Introduces an alternative to checking physical IDs
Guaranteed accuracy and legitimacy on age verification

We prioritize your privacy at all cost. No leaks, no records, and no breaches!

There will be no records of the information you share to the businesses and businesses will have no access to anything besides the age verification, name, and photo. The data is completely encrypted between devices preventing any breaches.
Protected data encryption prevents bluetooth sniffers
Face ID is necessary from patrons to give access
No information given to businesses or Munio will be kept

Frequently asked questions

Answers to some of the questions on your mind.

Do we need to pay for Munio?

Munio is offering a 3-month free trial for businesses interested in adopting our app. Pricing details to come after the 3-month grace period.

What is necessary for businesses and patrons to use Munio?

The only device a business needs to use Munio is an iPhone compatible with IOS 17.0. The list of available devices can be found here.

Patrons need an iPhone running iOS 16.4 and a mobile driver's license from their state's licensing authority.

Why should we trust Munio?

MDLs are state-issued and Munio is working closely with the technology to encompass as many states as possible. The states with mDLs available can be found here.

What states are supported?
  • Apple Wallet:
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Georgia
  • Maryland
  • Google Wallet:
  • Arizona
  • Colorado
  • Georgia
  • Maryland
  • State Sponsored Apps:
  • Arizona
  • Arizona
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Oklahoma
  • Utah

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We're getting rid of wallets.

Now that states allow people to store their driver's licenses in their phones, your business should be able to read them.

We're building the technology to do that.

Learn More

We're getting rid of wallets.

Now that states allow people to store their driver's licenses in their phones, your business should be able to read them.

We're building the technology to do that.

Learn More

Why should my business accept mobile driver's licenses (mDLs)?

Mobile driver's licenses are better for you as a business owner because you can trust their authenticity. Underage people can cheaply buy authentic looking fake driver's licenses with false ages that can pass the barcode scanner test. You could unknowingly be supplying minors with alcohol, opening yourself up to legal risk. mDLs solve this by being much harder to fake. Every mDL has been manually reviewed by it's respective state's issuing authority, so you can trust its legitimacy.
Accepting mobile driver's licenses is convenient for you and your patrons. You won't have to pull out any black lights, tilt the card in the light, or try bending it to verify its legitimacy. You can just look at the scanner and know it is authentic (but you should always use your best judgement when accepting any form of identification). Your customers will love it because they can easily identify themselves with just a tap. For them, it's just like using their phone to pay!

That sounds nice, but is it a legal form of identification?

Laws vary by state, but the most common answer is yes! In the state of Georgia for example, a driver's license has been redefined to include digital driver's licenses along with physical ones. Because it has all the same information about an individual as a traditional driver's license and is legally defined as a valid driver's license, it is an acceptable form of identification for age verification.

Want to know if it is legal in your state? Contact us to find out

What are the risks of not validating IDs?

You are putting yourself and your business at legal risk when you cannot authenticate an ID as legitimate. While laws vary by state and locality, common punishments include steep fines, liquor license revocation, or even jail time. By using our mobile driver's license scanner, you can have a higher level of confidence that you are only serving patrons who are of age.

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